Stay True To Your Brand
If your business is like many it may be suffering a leak when it comes to maintaining a tight brand. Many small and medium-sized companies get caught on the trail of chasing new business at the expense of exposing their brand to unnecessary strain. This happens when we find a new opportunity that is outside of our core competency but our sales brain has blood lust for the new revenue opportunity. We pursue this even though it may dilute our overall ability to stay true to the company’s mission and purpose.
The trick is to find business that fits your brand. Easier said than done.
Trying to be all things to all customers is an easy mistake and one of the consequences is that your brand may become severely diluted. The risk is not only stretching resources but also confusing customers and prospective customers as to what your business is about. It may also hamper your ability to go after the types of business that will make you most successful.
If you’ve taken time to carefully construct your brand and create a methodology as to how it fits your business model, make sure you maintain the standards. Your brand is your business. Treat it well and take the time to cultivate the business that fits your model.
Yes you will need to be flexible, but don’t abandon all for a quick buck. Look to your brand promise and branding standards to help determine what opportunities are best for your company.